
Time: 10am
Location: 15 Hayes St, Providence
Full Kids Program
Plenty of free parking

We understand that coming to a new place can be intimidating. Please know that whether you’re a follower of Jesus, someone who is searching, “spiritual but not religious,” a regular church attendee, or someone who is fed up with religion, you are welcome here. Sanctuary Church is full of people who are all over the map.

We believe church should be an open, safe, and challenging place for all of us to grow, serve, rest, ask questions, and wrestle honestly with the teachings of Jesus.


If you are a new visitor or have physical limitations, we invite you to park in the small lot adjacent to the church! All others can park for free in the covered parking garage across the street; be sure to grab a Sanctuary parking pass from the Next Steps Bar.

Upon Arrival

Our team will be there to greet you (or you can just sneak right by them and find a seat).
There is usually free coffee in the upstairs lobby.

Our gathering will begin a few minutes after 10am and runs between 75-90min. Be sure to visit the Next Steps Bar after the service for more information – we’d love to meet you.


Follow the signs Kids Check-In right as you walk in. Our kids participate in our opening worship time and then are invited to head down to Kids programming during the sermon and response time.

You can check in your kids as early as 9:45am.